H1B Application withdrawn due to last minute travel, now filing again with a different employer


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I was working with an employer last year on my OPT while my H1B was filed. Due to the delay in H1B approval because of an RFE on my application and an urgent need to travel, my old company withdrew my application and mentioned that they will file again next year. The reason was that I had to travel immediately and even with premium processing, I would not have got my h1B on time.

I'm currently back in school and will be joining them once my H1 gets approved. Could there be issues with my H1B because my first application was withdrawn last year?

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What do you mean by 'back in school'? You have approved OPT that means you should be working.

Sorry for the abstract information.

I was laid off from the old company that had filed for my H1B initially. I joined another Masters level program and will be graduating this summer. Since this is masters level course, I'm not eligible for another OPT. I've found an employer (large company) who is filing for my work visa in April so I can start working in October. My graduation date is 10 August and I will be able to stay in the US until October because of grace period.

My only concern is: will the old RFE/withdrawal of visa affect my current H1B filing?

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