My Wife has H1B valid till August 2014, She resigned the current employment in India and planned to come to USA


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My Wife has H1B valid till August 2014, She resigned her current employment in India and planned to come to US.

I currently have L1B and I'm in US now. My question is, whether she can travel to US with the H1B or she needs to have L2 to come to US.

Please respond to my query, accordingly i need to make the arrangements to take her to US.

Thanks in Advance

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Does she have an H1B job waiting for her? If not, L2; if she does, she needs current approval notice and information to enter. She should NOT try to enter on H1B if she does not have US employment scheduled to begin upon her arrival. She may NOT enter on H1B visa to look for a job.

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She can anyway work on L2. she doesn't even need H1B to work in the USA as long as you have a valid L1. L2 may be a safer option for her to enter US if she doesn't have an appointment letter from her employer to work in the US. Once she is in US, she can change her status from L2 to H1B.

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