Visa approved on Feb 13th @ Toronto


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Hi guys,

I successfully finished my interview on Feb 13th at Toronto.

I had my appointment at 9:00AM they did not allow me inside until 8:45 AM, so had to wait in line.

They allowed me inside, they took all the electronics like cell phone, camera, charger, headphones,

water bottle. Finally they allowed me in and they took my DS 160, appointment letter and returned it in a

file and made me wait @ the window 1. The lady officer took my I797 and DS 160 and gave me a token

number. Then had my finger prints. Finally they called me for the interview.

Me: Good Morining officer.

VO: Good Morining. He asked me, so you work for XXX company.

Me: Yes sir.

VO: How long you have been working?

Me: XXX years.

VO: When did you come to Canada?

Me: Yday.

VO: He started typing and asked the same question.

Me: Yday sir.

VO: What is your highest degree and in which field?

Me: I did my Masters in Computer Science.

VO: Which Univ?

Me: XXX.

VO: Who is your client?

Me: XXX company.

VO: What is your role?

Me: I explained my title with a brief description.

VO: He interrupted and asked for my pay stubs.

(I gave last 4months paystubs)

VO: Are they photocopies?

Me: Yes, I took online.

VO: Ok.

VO: Why do you have perdiem?

Me: I explained what my company exactly does in one sentence and told him that my job requires traveling.

VO: You can collect your passport in 3-5 days.

The VO was Chinse guy and he was serious through out the interview and didn't even smile even though I was smiling thru out the interview.If you are confident and give him the best answer hez going to give you.

I thank murthy blog and everyone in this group for your posts.

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