Changing Major Arts to Computer Science


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Just wanted quick info on what are the complications if any to change the major from Arts to Computer Science. My Bachelors degree is "BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts Photography" and I am here in the US from India to do my Masters in Fine Arts. Its just about a month that I am in the US and started my first semester. Please do let me know the complications now(Changing Major) and later(post graduation)

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So, why do you want to change majors all of a sudden, after going through applying at the college, getting accepted after a couple months, and then getting the visa?

You would have to apply to a program in the other field, which in itself likely takes several months.

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No reasonable college would admit a fine arts major into a masters in CS without nearly 3 years of matriculation courses. There is absolutely no way that a fine arts degree qualifies someone in the science of computer technology. If the college says it will, you are likely being taken advantage of because no legitimate employer would consider a BFA as a prerequisite for a MSCS

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I kind of got admission in a local college who are giving me an opportunity to change my major but I have to start my course in summer as this is middle of spring.

Now my question is: Do I have to finish my current semester in Arts ? What other options do I have as I would end up finishing and paying for subjects that have no value.

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I kind of got admission in a local college who are giving me an opportunity to change my major but I have to start my course in summer as this is middle of spring.

Now my question is: Do I have to finish my current semester in Arts ? What other options do I have as I would end up finishing and paying for subjects that have no value.

Is your local college accredited? You might have serious problems later on during your GC process.

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