H4 Visa Appointment


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My wife attended a visa appointment at the Hyderabad consulate today 2/7/13. At the end of the interview, the officer did not tell her whether she was granted visa or not. When inquired he mentioned that there was currently some Computer System problem going on and he has to check something later. he told her if they need any additional documents or information she would be contacted. She was not given any slip like 221(g) etc.

Today when i checked her visa application status online at


it says "Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing.This processing can take several weeks.Please follow any instructions provided by the consular officer at the time of your interview.If further information is needed you will be contacted.If your visa application is approved it will be processed and mailed/available within two business days"

Does the above mean .. a query has been issued for her ? i mean is it the case of 221(g). If so she should have been given the slip by the officer after the interview right ?

Did any one have any similar experience ? Appreciate if anyone can share any useful information.

At the time of posting this..it is still less than 24 hrs since her interview got done. I am hoping for the best and keeping my fingers crossed.


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