H1 B Amendment required?


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I got H1b approved with XXX client in 2012 and now I am working for different client YYY as my project finished @XXX client. I have visa interview on March 12th so is it mandatory to Amendment my H1B even though I have YYY client letter?

Please suggest ...really appreciate your help.



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I got H1b approved with XXX client in 2012 and now I am working for different client YYY as my project finished @XXX client. I have visa interview on March 12th so is it mandatory to Amendment my H1B even though I have YYY client letter?

Please suggest ...really appreciate your help.



Yes, you have to file H1 amendment.

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The consulate will probably want to see an amendment. This was not always the case, and USCIS doesn't necessarily require an amendment, especially if the prior LCA is still valid for the new location, but if you're going to a consulate in India (especially, but not exclusively), an amendment is highly advisable. In general, whether an amendment is required for a location change depends upon the specific facts of the case, and it's not a clear-cut area relative to the law and regulations.

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