Status of B1 , When we get H1B


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I have recently got B1.. Now i am applying to H1b.

1) If suppose after few when my H1b period completesand come to india.

If my company in india wants to send me on B1 . will that B1 be valid.

2) if my H1b get rejected , then what happens to my existing B1 visa which is valid for few years.

- Your B1 will still remain valid.
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1) If suppose after few when my H1b period completes and come to india.

If my company in india wants to send me on B1 . will that B1 be valid.

=> Yes B1 will still be valid.

2) if my H1b get rejected , then what happens to my existing B1 visa which is valid for few years.

=> Depends on the reason of the denial, if they find appropriate reasons they have full rights to cancel all visas with/without prejudice. If they don’t do it, B1 is still valid.

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