How to pay fees for applying visa at Mumbai Consulate


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The steps of booking an appointment are given here .

I am trying to use the new website (cgifederal) to create an appointment.

How do I pay the fees ? Without paying the fees, I can not get DS-160 and without DS-160 I can't book an appointment..

I got reply from to pay the fees in step 8 (the steps as seen in cgifederal site) but without the DS-160 number in step 5, I can't go to step 8.

Please help me pay the fees. I will be using NEFT.

PS: There are many flaws in the new website.

  • The datepicker doesn't work as desired.
  • You have to enter a captcha everytime you log in to the website. The captcha is totally unnecessary. I mean I understand the reason to use captcha to create a new account but to log in too ?

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