Will NEW REFORM BILL 2013 help spouse of US legal residents to arrive early

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Hi All,

I was reading to the recent reform bill 2013, published in LA times & other websites in most popular serch engines, which states that

``Beginning March 4, illegal immigrants who can demonstrate that time

apart from an American spouse, child or parent would create "extreme

hardship" can apply for a visa without leaving the United States. Once

approved, applicants would be required to leave briefly in order to

return to their native country and pick up their visa.

>>> Sources said that the administration might expand the changes to

include relatives of lawful permanent residents.'' <<<

Can eny expert please advice , as if is this true to help the legal resident's spouse to get their GC,earlier than expected timeframe (recentl time frame is 2-3 years) or for Legal residents, this is still in air ?

Thanks & regards

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