Can I update DS-160 form application ID after scheduling an interview?


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This is little weird situation.

I was filling DS-160 form to attend my first time H1 stamp in Canada (not decided the consulate yet).

I know you just need DS-160 application ID to schedule an appointment. I used my application ID to create an account to schedule the interview. One of my friend warned me keep my eyes open and make sure I'm filling the right info while booking an appointment, such as name, dob, etc.

I filled most part of DS-160 form but didn't yet submitted. and I saved my application to external file so that I can fill it after 30 days.

The problem is when ever I try to update my DS form it is giving different application ID. Since I used my old application ID to create my account, is it possible to update the DS-160 ID after scheduling the interview?

I'm uploading the same file while filling my DS-160 form.

Does anybody had this issue before? please suggest me in this issue.

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