L1b Query


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My L1b visa(first term) is valid till Apr 27th 2013 and my i-94 is valid till March 2014.Now i have to to travel to india for my marriage in Jan and return back by Feb.I have the following questions below:

1)Can we travel to U.S back with just 2-3 months validity of visa stamp.If so is it mandatory should we show that the extension being applied or it is fine to apply after that as well

2)Will there be any problem for my wife's L2 stamping assuming only 3 months validity is there on the Visa.

3)Incase if i get my I-94 for 3 more years after entering back and the same case with my Wife L2,Can we process the L2 EAD based on i-94 validity or the visa validity is required for processing the same

4)As there is lot of rejections on L1 these times i am trying to avoid the new stamping.Is it better to go for a fresh stamping after Apr and return back so that there wont be any confusions..

Someone please respond...

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In general, if a person's L-1 visa is valid, he/she may be admitted in L-1 status. An L-2 visa may be issued where the spouse is in L-1 status or has a valid L-1 petition (even if it's only valid for a few more months.)

I suspect that you obtained your L-1 via your company's Blanket. If that is the case, CBP will generally admit an L-1 obtained via a Blanket for 3 years. EADs are issued based upon a person's valid status, not the expiration date of a visa.

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