Ottawa - Dec 21 Approved writeup + Delivery question


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I got a verbal approval on the 21st at the Ottawa embassy. Here's the rough script:

1. Arrived 10 minutes before appointment

2. Standard airport style security setup. Removed jacket etc (Man it was snowing hard, extremely cold. Please dress warm and use gloves if you're coming for stamping)

3. Was directed to counter in the initial line, guy at the counter checked documents (DS160 conf page + i797 + passport), gave a ticket number and directed to the wait room

4. Sat down, waited.

5. Had fingerprints done first, then had to sit down and wait again.

6. Simple interview:

Officer - Hi there

Me - Hi

O- Oh you work at XXX?

Me - Yes

O - You used to work for YYYY before?

Me - Yes

O - Did you know the other guy here before who worked for XXX?

Me - No, not really

O- Ok, your visa is approved. Here's a card telling you how to pick up the visa from Loomis, now GTFO my office (ok he didn't say that last part, but it sounded like it, :-)

Me - Can I get it on Monday?

O - No, most likely after 2 business days

Me - Ok, thank you (and I GTFO'd there and back out into the cold)

Later on friday, I saw the announcement that Mr. Obama has declared Monday 24th as a holiday and all embassies will be closed (

So the question is now, when will I get my passport back? 2 business days means Thurs + Fri, meaning I'm going to be in the (beautiful) frozen Ottawa for Xmas atleast. If Loomis doesn't get it on Fri, the next day is monday 31st. 1st will be another holiday. So am I going to be here for a long time? Anyone else in the same situation?

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My status hasn't updated at all, but that is understandable given the holiday. The last couple of times I've done stamping (2007 & 2010), I didn't have to do this Loomis stuff. I just went to the embassy after a couple days and picked it up there. Why did they have to make it so complicated!

Sorry about the whole Anjou thing for you. I guess you're going to have Loomis deliver it to you in TO? Good luck and keep us posted when you get it.

Hey there.. Am in same boat, but I attended the interview on Dec 17, at Toronto and selected loomis as Anjou(mistake for which I am increasing the revenue of Canada@#$%^&).

My application status says issued and is in final processing. ( https://ceac.state.g...YzCYubaSQI+RA== Still not sure how long I will have to stay here!!

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I sent them an email yesterday, they replied back with a one sentence answer to wait for the delivery notification. I haven't heard back from them today either. Probably means I'll be here over another weekend. I should thank my lucky stars that I didn't get a 221(g) or something, but still. /throws hands up in frustration

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Looks like I will have to wait until Monday after all. I got the shipment with "not ready for pickup" notification at about 5.30, but they closed at 6pm today. I asked if there was any way for me to pick it up on the weekend in the 1740 comstock location, but they said it's closed over the weekend. Looks like Monday it is then.

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