H1b Successful stamping Dec21st - Vancouver


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My h1b extension stamping was successful today @ vancouver.

Around 7 to 8 people were apporved today by the time I left at 10.00am,am assuming there may have been more approvals late in the day ,I saw one girl getting hammered with tons of questions,but still I guess she was approved.

Mine is EVC model.

Interview was pretty cool..Questions were very basic.

Good luck Everyone :-)

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All my friends who attended interview got there passport on Monday 24th DEC (22 and 23rd was weekend). That is, the passport was picked up on the same day DEC 21st by loomis.But VO gave me an option of picking up the passport directly at the consulate this friday,as I told him that am flying back this Saturday morning,he wanted me to play safe and pick it up directly at the consulate at 2.15 on Friday,so that I wont miss the flight the next day....I know my passport is ready,so will try to pick it up this thursday.

If i would have kept mouth shut,i would have already received my passport 2 days ago :-)

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