Visa Stamping @Vanocuver on 12/13/2012


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Once I gave my documents she was looking at the application for about 5 mins and then started talking.

1, You have recently been issued a visa, isnt it?

Ans: Yes. (was issued visa this April, which was till Dec)

2. So you are working with the same company in the same role?

Ans: Yes.

3. Where did you study? Major.

Ans: Masters in XXX

4. What about Undergrad? Major.

Ans: In XXX

5. She took my H1 petition and passport inside and said she will be back. Came back after 5 mins.

6. She asked for my designation at XXXX and how long have I been working for XXXX

Ans:XXX and have been working from April onwards.

7. Do you have a client? Yes. whats the name? YYY

8. Can you give me your old petition.

Ans: Gave her my old petiton

. Then she said I am cancelling your old visa(Ending this year end) and your new visa will be issued from today onwards. So when you go back please show your old petition in handy since your new petiton starts from Next Year onwards.

9. You will get your passport back in 3 to 5 business days.

Thank you!

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