Need Urgent help on H1B ext petition & pending 221g


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Please advice Gurus/Experience Users;

I have a pending 221g(H1b ext) in Hyderabad with (company A , project B) and it is going no where,but I got another offer from (Company B) and they want to file in Mumbai. I already had a petition pending 221g(Company A, project A) in Chennai and I had to withdraw it before interviewed in Hyderabad.

Also, I will be withdrawing the current pending petition in hyderabad once the new petition is approved.


1. If I go to mumbai, will they raise about pending petitions/withdrawn, even it is from different company? and what is the appropriate answer to be given to them for coming to mumbai?

2.If I opt mumbai, what are the probable questions and changes for the approval?

3. If I opt Hyderabad, what are the probable questions and changes for the approval?

please help me as I am strangled in india since a year..


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How long has it been pending? I was in a similar situation, but mine was cleared in exactly 3 months. I would say if its not more than 5 months, to wait rather than going for a new petition which eventually has the risk of being asked about other petitions. This is a personal opinion. Please take action at your own risk

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