What are the fees / fines for multiple H1B filings?


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Hello friends,

Here is my situation -

I am currently in India and plan to file for new H1B visa(s) for this year's (2013) quota soon. I am employed in a software company in India (was in USA for 6 yrs on H1B visa till 2 years back through a different employer) and my current employer in India has promised (let's see ;) to file for my new H1B visa in coming April. But I do not trust them much and want to make sure that I make it to the USA anyhow on a valid H1B visa. For that I also plan to file my new visa from couple other employers (consultant companies who come to India to select candidates for new quota) as well soon.

Now my question is -

What is the cost of fees / fines I am looking at if I, say, file for three new H1B on my name from three separate companies (one of them being my current employer in India) and then of course choose to go to USA on one of the three companie's visas, what amount of fees is *actually* needed for companies to just file for my H1B visa nowadays? i.e. What is the hit on my pockets in the form of fines I am looking at from the other two companies who will file for my H1B visa?

Thanks in advance.

--Eager to get into USA

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