L1A visa extension-Need to apply


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Hi ,

My petition is expiring by June,2013 so I am going to apply for L1A extension. Please clarify on below qiuestion.

1) I have 4 direct aubordinates under me. Out of these 2 are Bachelor in Engineering,one is MCA(Masters in Computer Applications) and one is B.com(Bachelor of Commerce).

Is it ok to apply for my L1A extesnsion with these 4 subordinates? I heard level 1 manager can apply for L1A only if subordinates being managed are professional. So in above case can I say all 4 are professional.. does "Bachelor of Commerce " come under professional degree?

or is it like I need ot show somebody as my subordinate who is on L1A?

Is it true that putting only 4 subodinates will lead to mostly an RFE?

How are the L1A extensions are going in these days? are they going more for RFEs?

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