221G H1B Refusal. Reapply?


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Hello All,

I had completed my masters (F1) in 2010 after which I was sponsored by my employer for H1B and approved the same year as well. Have been working till Aug'12, when I decided to go for stamping in Dubai.

My case was initially placed in 221G and later refused stating inconsistencies in petition. As part of documents required to process 221G I had furnished letters from client as well as vendors. My hunch is that the EVVC model that I am in was not mentioned in the petition and so the inconsistency claim.

Please let me know my options for my next steps:

1) I have returned to India now. Can I reapply for the same petiton in any Consulate here in India or should I go back to Dubai?

2) I hear from others that NOIR takes a long to arrive and then process the response, so is it better to find myself another sponsor?

Appreciate your responses & wish all of you the best.

Thank you

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