Unemployment Insurance

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Here is the situation:

This person has green card. She worked for more than two year in NC state (full time permanent position) and got better job offer and moved to MI state (full time permanent position). Worked there for Two months and again got better job in NJ state (Full time, permanent position). Now after working for less than two months, she is let go by the employeer. There was no ticket or any writter warning for her during this period. During the separation interview, the employer told her that she has all the technical knowledge but does not have the leadership skill required for the position.

1) What are her options?

2) What is the probablity of getting unemployment insurance as she has worked for less than 2 months in this state though she is continuously employeed and paid tax since last three years?

Your answer will be highly appreciated.

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UI is a state benefit. Normally, the first 3 months of employment is a probationary time, and she has few protections under corporate policy.

She can certainly go to the state unemployment office and file but should not be surprised if it is declined. Since she voluntarily left her other positions, she is not covered there.

She should register with the office because that often is a good source of leads on new jobs.

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