After h1B transfer is approved , Start date after maternity vacation


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Hi ,

I'm in a very confused situation right now and looks like all doors are closed for me except signing resignation with my current company and declining offer I received from another company. I'm pregnant 9th month right now and my husband recently moved to a new job at new location. I'm working from home for company X (fulltime position with good insurance benefits) and on H1B Visa status. I have an offer from the company Y at my husband's location. I want to sign the offer with the company but it is an agency position and doesnt cover any insurance.

Can I start my H1B transfer with company Y, get it approved and then resign with company X on 9/21/12 and start with company Y 02/01/2013. My due date is Oct 1st...Am I considered out of status from 9/21 to 02/01/13 since I dont get paid even after considering my maternity leave and health status ? Please advise.

I have to do this inorder for my husband's company to cover insurance for me during my labor. I have lot of pregnancy related health issues and I already suffered a lot with my husband's job loss, job search, visa issues, relocation and now with this new job offer, I really look for some answer so I can plan my future and pregnancy costs. I dont know if it is better to stay with my current company since my current company requires me to work atleast 30 days after FMLA to cover insurance for me during FMLA. I cant go back to my current company after my FMLA since it is far away from my husbands place and cant handle kid alone either. Please help me with some answer if I'm considered out of status during my maternity leave/disability period until jan 2nd 2013 from sep 21st 2012.

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