Entering U.S. for a job interview with B1/B2?


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I'm currently in the U.S., but have been out of status for a while (but the visa itself is still valid)

Now I am trying to get a new job, and the only way to do this seems to be to leave the U.S. and re-enter.

So here's my question:

1. Is it possible to enter the U.S. with B1/B2 visa for a job interview purpose? (Provided that I can show proof of the job interview I got from the company) I'm specifically curious about what happens at the port of entry, since I already have a B1/B2 visa which is valid until 2018.

2. If #1 is possible, is it possible to leave and immediately re-enter for job interview? How long should I stay outside of the U.S. to be safe?

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