Noticed error on D-160 after interview


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I completed my D-160 for my L1B visa extension. Went to my interview and was given a 221g. I have been in AP for 15 weeks, so I was going through my documents recently to see why it's taking so long. I noticed in my D160 I put my mother's DOB as "do not know" as I was nt sure and needed to check on it (yes I am a bad son for not knowing my mother's birthday). Anyway I forgot to change it with the correct date. Now it's been 15 weeks and I am afraid if I go back to the consulate with the mistake I will have to start again. But then again I am sure they are running security check on me so I don't know if that will help. Can anyone give me any advice with the direction I should take.

Thanks in advance.

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