H1B amendment question


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My employer applied for H1B on May 9th 2012, i received approval for 3 years.

When we applied for H1B i was in location A, our office is moved to different location recently. Now, my attorney says that we need to apply for H1B amendment.

I would like to know the following details:

1) How many days does this process takes?

2) Am i eligible to work from October 1st, 2012 on H1B (i.e when the amendment is in process)

3) Am i eligible to travel internationallly?

4) What would be the fee (i know my employer is going to pay for it, but curious to know how much it costs for them)?

5) Are there important things that i should know?

Appreciate any help.


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Just by saying location A & B does not help much, you need to provide additional details.

Has your zip code changed? It matters a lot.

Regular process takes 4-6 months & Premium would cost $1500 or more based on your attorney, decision would be made within 30 business days.

You are eligible to travel only if amendment is approved.



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