221g Toronto - Waiting Time Duration


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Please share your duration of times that either you got your clearance after 221g or if you are still waiting for the clearance who got 221g from the Toronto Consulate.

I am waiting here in Canada since more than three months and as of now nothing yet.

I don't if i still should wait or withdraw my application.

I only had single entry visa due to which i cannot take a risk of exiting.

Please share and your suggestions are greatly appreciated.


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I wish i had successful stamping but unfortunately i didnt. They gave me this BS 221g for no reason. i guess i will wait for few more days and then withdraw my application. Can you image after waiting for 4 months here and withdrawing the application, how sad and annoying can it be. :-(

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I got a 221g yellow admin processing at toronto a week ago. no response yet. Anyone received any response or know how long its taking?

Mine looks like a security check as the officer was worried if I had anything to do with cryptography/network security/encryption (since I told that my masters thesis was related to computer networks)

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