COS from H1 to H4 -- when visa expires on 31-JUL-2011


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I am on H1-B working with XXXX company. My husband is also on H1-B with YYYY company. Now, my visa expires on 31-Jul-2011. Did not apply for my extension because of some uncertain conditions. Now I want to change the status from H1 to H4 (dependent to my husband). I would like to know:

1) How many days before we have to apply for COS?

2) How long it will take to get the receipt?(as my visa expires on 31-Jul-2011.

Please respond.

Thank you,

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1. The COS application should be sent before the visa expires. A week before should be good enough to get the receipt date before your current H1 expires. Once you get the receipt you are good to stay until 240 days or until a decision is made.

2. Depends on USCIS, could take a week and sometimes 3 weeks.

If you are sure that you will change to H4 then there is no reason to wait till last minute.

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