H1B stamping while another employer files for petition


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My current H1B visa was sponsered by employer A and will be expiring by september 10th. I am currently working with an employer B (I have USCIS approval notice for employer B). I am planning to go to India to attend my family function and so, I have to get my visa stamped/renewed since in september I will cross the 3 year mark for H1B.

However, a company C would have filed the petition for my H1B while my visa renewal process will be going on in India. I plan to come from india after the visa renewal, resign at company B and then join C after a few weeks.

Could you please let me know if this company C petition will cause any issues to my renewal process? Is there anything I should be careful about?

I really appreciate your help and feedback in this regard.

Thank you so much for your time!

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