H1 - F1 - H1


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Had h1b issued in 2007 and expired on sep 2010. Quit working in Aug 2010 and moved to full time student status (f1 visa) in jan 2011.

Currently holding f1 visa expiring in 2016 and i20 expiring in 2014. If offered a job, do the company has to file for new h1b (which is not possible as the quota is now filled) or the previous h1b can be used?

If offered a job given that I graduate in Dec 2012, what can be done?

PS: I don't have OPT as it is my second master's degree.

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"If offered a job, do the company has to file for new h1b (which is not possible as the quota is now filled) or the previous h1b can be used?"

=> Because you were counted towards H1b quota in last 5 years, your new H1b won't be counted towards quota again and you don't need to wait till Oct 1st. Because you have used 3 years of your H1b quota, you are now left with 3 more years on your H1b quota.

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