H1B Visa Renewal: Canada or Mexico


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  1. Unless they've changed the rules, I believe you can only do renewal in Mexico if your first stamping was done in Mexico. You should check their website.
  2. I've done my H1B stamping twice in Vancouver and I didn't have any problems. My friends all did theirs in Toronto/Ottawa and told me to choose those places. I couldn't get a spot, and Vancouver was closer to me so I chose Vancouver and never had a problem.

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  1. Unless they've changed the rules, I believe you can only do renewal in Mexico if your first stamping was done in Mexico. You should check their website.
  2. I've done my H1B stamping twice in Vancouver and I didn't have any problems. My friends all did theirs in Toronto/Ottawa and told me to choose those places. I couldn't get a spot, and Vancouver was closer to me so I chose Vancouver and never had a problem.

Which website do I check? My first stamping ever is from New Delhi, India. Second from Mexico. This is gonna b third. What do you suggest??

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