New company relocation period without Pay


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My new company says that I can start working as soon as they start petitioning for my H1B.

However, there will be about 2 weeks gap between after I terminated with the current company and the new one due to relocation. During two week relocation, since I have not started working on the new company I won't be paid. Is this legal? Experts and the experienced, please advice! Thank you!

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"However, there will be about 2 weeks gap between after I terminated with the current company and the new one due to relocation. During two week relocation, since I have not started working on the new company I won't be paid. Is this legal? Experts and the experienced, please advice! Thank you!"

=> You would have to be paid all of the time on H1b. It's law. They have to pay you for those 2 weeks. Involve an attorney.

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