H1B transfer


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Hi All

I’m in OPT status which is expiring in dec-2012, so I applied for H1B in month of May-2012 and approved for 1 year only. I have problems with my current employer, So I’m planning to transfer my H1B to other employer ,so please let me know when can i transfer my H1B to other employer and also please let me know if there is a way to transfer my H1B to other employer without informing my current employer?

Thanks & Regards,


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Generally, if you have already been counted against the H1B cap and have an approved petition, a new employer can file a change of employer H1B petition on your behalf. However, the specifics of the process should be discussed directly with a qualified U.S. immigration attorney. The Murthy Law Firm has a very well-regarded H1B Department with extensive experience who would be able to provide you with excellent assistance. Please feel free to call our office to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.

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