H1b case status confusion


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My H1 was filed in PP by my employer.

They informed me 3 weeks back that they received the RFE and are working on the documents. I have been checking my status online throughout the process. It was in "Initial Review" stage and moved to "Acceptance" stage. But it is still showing current status as "Acceptance" and has already been like that for 21 days.

Is it normal to have it like this?

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"For PP, u got RFE...so its takes min 30 - 45 days to get confirmation. even u got update that "Acceptance" , so no need to worry..."


In PP once they receive the RFE, the 15 days clock resets again. If they cannot deliver any result in 15 days, filer is eligible to ask for PP fees back. Still they would process it in PP.

As its been 21 days, OP's employer can call to USCIS and ask PP fees back. They would refund the fees and still process it in PP.

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