H1B transfer


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"Usually all legit employers will also file H4s along with the H1s but some may ask you to pay for the dependents application and filing fees."

=> Paying for H4 has no connection with being legit. It’s totally up to employer if they pay for H4 or not.

You got married; you got kids, why employer should bother for their H4s? They are not legally bounded to pay for H4. But they HAVE to pay for H1b.

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"Paying for H4 has no connection with being legit."

True, but having been on H1 with three different employers for over 7 yrs, I can tell you that employers that genuinely appreciate you working for them will also file for your dependents. If the employer is a big firm, then they may also pay for the dependent filing (my first two F 500 employers did). If they are a small company (like my current one with 20 employees) they may either decline to file or file and ask you to pay the fees for the dependents.

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