What's my I-94 date?

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Hi all,

I just switched over from F1 to H1B status (re-opened old H1B). Currently I have 2 I-94s - the F1 I94 which just says D/S on it but no date which is similar to all F1 based I-94s.

However then I have a I797A with an I94 at the bottom right but there does not seem to be any date on it. On the left side at the bottom which is for our personal records, it shows a validity date of Feb 2015.

So I am heading to Canada in June for a week to get my H1 stamp. Do I need to turn in my I-94s? If not, then what determines my I94 date - is it 2/2015 even though it doesn't explicitly say that on the new I94? I feel like I am missing something very obvious here.


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