H1B time recapture?


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I have heard about H1B time recapture, for time spent outside USA during the H1B duration.

Does anyone know, that if you had spent time outside USA for work-related trip, can that time be recaptured or only personal trip(vacation)? Also, is there any minimum number of days that you need to be out of the country to be eligible to recapture that time?

Is this something that can be done fairly easily without attorney help or is this complicated?

Also, if you apply for time recapture, then do they send us a new I-797? and then if you travel outside US,

do you have to go for visa stamping again or you can use your previous I-797 and visa stamp for re-entry?

Pls. advise.


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All time abroad can be recaptured. The reason is that when you are abroad, you are by definition not in any status. You can have an H1 status only while you are physically in the US.


Ok, so even though, I may have been on a business trip, working for the company and got paid in US on my US pay-roll, that time can still be re-captured?

Do you have any idea about visa stamping requirement for that? Thanks.

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