Does RECKLESS Speeding ticket affect H1 stamping??


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I got the reckless driving ticket in VA state and county is mecklenburg county ,VA. The cop mentioned it as RECKLESS Speeding ticket as above 80 is consider as Reckless Speeding ticket in VA.

But I am holding Texas driving license with me. So If I pay this ticket how will it impact my driving license in TX. In VA they told me it will consider as Class One Misdemeanor Criminal Charge but how about in TX??

If So If I pay this ticket..Does this affect any immigration issues when I got for visa stamping??

When I spoke to one of the attorney in VA, he said he will try to reduce the ticket to speeding ticket instead of reckless

Please let me know any options and also how will it impact our future immigration.

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I dont think your tickets are going to effect your visa chances or create any immigration issues, unless you created a serious accident causing death or any major damage.

even for the records to update it takes a long time as you have a texas license and caught in va. I know cops in VA can be pain in the **** far as my knowledge are good...:)...good luck...

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