Prevailing wage


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I am currently working on OPT as a professor at a community college. They are willing to sponsor my H-1B but my salary is lower than the prevailing wage. I am paid a base salary for the academic year (August to June). For the overload (extra classes) that I teach during a regular semester and for the summer classes, I get paid extra. If these two are combined with my base salary, then I meet the prevailing wage. Can I count the overload pay towards my annual salary when I fill out the Labor Condition Application? Please help me. Also, if there is any official link or document which clarifies my question, please let me know so that I can share it with my HR. Thanks!

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Generally, only wages and bonuses that are guaranteed may be counted towards the base salary for purposes of calcualting the prevailing wage. Please contact a qualified immigration attorney to discuss the specific issues relating to your case and to determine whether the overload pay may be included as part of your base salary.

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