L2 or B2 after having H1B Stamped

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Hi All,

I am in tough spot here. One of US's staffing firm processed my H1B last year, petition got approved and visa is also stamped in early Feb 2012. Now my future employer is delaying the start date and there is no definite answer from them.

In the meantime, my spouse had to travelled to US for work purpose on L1-B visa. As my spouse will be in US for another 6-9 months, I am planning to travel on dependent visa. I have few doubts related to same.

1. Should I file L2 or B2?

2. What will be the impact of L2 or B2 approval/rejection on my current H1B Visa as well as H1B Petition?

3. If I get L2, will my H1B gets revoked?

Do help me.


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