F2 to H1B visa processing and status change


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I am on F2 visa right now and my question is if my H1B visa processing and my change of visa status from F2 to H1B are two different things and can there be a gap in between the two.

I will be starting on my H1B premium processing this week and I am hoping it will be completed in a month's time. I had planned my travel to India from May 20th - Aug 7th, before the quota started filling up so fast. So, I am wondering if I can get the H1B visa processing done before May 20th, travel to India and come back on my F2 visa on Aug 7th and then apply for change of status from F2 to H1B.

I am not sure of this process, if anyone has any knowledge of it, please kindly help me with this.

Thank you.


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