Green Card - Special Case??

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I'm a Mexican citizen whose mom currently became a US Citizen, a sister born un the US, a brother who married an American and a father who recently acquired his Green Card through my sister. I am 25 years old, went to college in Boston however had to return to Mexico because I wasn't able to become a US citizen through my parents (because I was over 21 by the time they got their citizenship / green card). My mom has filed my paperwork for me to be able to acquire my permanent residence however I was looking at the April bulletin and it seems that only until now are applicants from 1993 receiving their green cards.

I feel totally hopeless and helpless because now my entire family is residing in the US and I'm stuck in Mexico. Do you know of anything I can do either to speed up the process or a way for me to be able to speed up this visa process?? Any advice is really much appreciated!

Thank you!


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