How to choose a company for H1B petition? small size or medium sized company?


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I recently got an offer from two companies:

1. small size company with 200 employees: very few H1B transfers conducted. Never filed a new application

2. Mid size company with 2000 employees: long successful history of H1B petitions and green card applications

I am in delima to choose from the above two companies.

For first company I have very less information

For second comapany I am aware that they have good percentage of people from other countries: India, China, Mexico, Canada etc. They have long history of H1B filing.

For the second company I am aware that they received RFE's for couple of their employees and 2 of them even had issues stamping. But the company performed all the paper

work in all the 4 cases and all the issues were resolved and each of them got their visa and also got it stamped.

1. I accidently know a person at senior level in the second company(Director) who once told me that if during he petition, someone receives an RFE for an employee and if the company

does not respond to the RFE, it can be harmful to the company for future application. Is there any affect on the company for future application, if they choose not to respond

to the RFE? Do they get black listed?

2. If H1B petitions of a company get rejected, does it affect the company in any way for future application of other employees? If this is true, then I would believe that a bigger

company would put more efforts to clear any such case and would use more efforts and resources during petition.

3. Is it in anyway helpful if I go with a company which has long history of visa being approved? Do people at consulate look at these statistics?

4. Does size of the company play any role during he stamping?

Which one of the two has better chances of getting visa approved and also get stamped without any issues?

Thanks a lot!

Sridhar G Jetly

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The size of the company doesn't really matter much, the important thing is that they have the ability to pay the salary. So, anything above a tiny fly-by-night operation would be fine.

Make sure that you stay away from any company that wants money for the H1, no matter how they call it (Security deposit or similar) and regardless if they promise to pay it back.

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