H1B transfer after renewal petition has been filed


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I'm currently working for company A, which has filed for an extension for my H1B visa. This extension has not been approved yet. I am considering changing jobs to company B. My question is whether there is a problem with me transferring my H1B visa to company B, before the extension filed by company A has been approved. My I94 is still valid for another 5 months.

Any insight into this situation is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Generally, a new employer may file a change of employer H1B petition with a request to change status at any time while the H1B Beneficiary is maintaining H1B status (i.e. is working pursuant to a valid approved H1B petition and has a valid unexpired I-94 card). Please schedule a consultation with an experienced immigration attorney to discuss the specific facts of your case and to determine the best options for filing the new petition.

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