Portability of approved I-140 to a new employer


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I am in 3rd year of H1B and have I-140 approved recently with my employer in EB2 category (Priority Date is April 2011). I am currently working for a direct client. However, a previous client of mine has offered full-time position and am in a dilemna as to the right path and following are my concerns.

1) I am yet to attend 1st h1B stamping (as I moved from F1 to H1B) and planning to do so in couple of months. What should be my choice at this point ?, Attempting Visa stamping with Employer-Client (EC) model as a consultant or take up Full Time Employment (FTE) and then attend.

2) If FTE is a better choice, then will it be possible for me to retain the existing priority date and get it ported to the new employer. Please suggest on possibilities.

3) If I remain as consultant, what are the options to retain I-140 even if anything unexpected happens with H1B stamping ?

I would greatly appreciate suggestions on my concerns.

Thanks in advance

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