Leaving employer who filed labor

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Hello all,

Due to a recent political issue with my current employer I am desperate to leave my employer. But I requested for the green card processing 6 months back and just this Monday (02/27) they officially filed my labor. Still I am very desperate to leave my employer right now due to the political situation and my job search is going pretty well. Most of the prospective employers agree to start the Green card application after 6 months of employment. My H1-b is valid until September 2014.

With the green card process speeden up suddenly, I am wondering I would make a blunder by leaving my employer now.

Best case: If I leave my employer still with the current priority date of the labor application (i.e., if they agree not to withdraw my application), the new employer could file another labor in 9 or 10 months from now with the same priority date. In which case I don't really lose much time or lack far behind in the processing.

Worst case: If I leave my current employer and they withdraw the labor application, the new employer could file another labor after a year from now with a new priority date. In which case I would lose significant time and end up far behind in the processing.

I just can't even imagine staying with my employer for 6 more months! Please advise.

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