L1A to GC


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I am currently on L1A and already stayed in US for 2 yrs, I got the L1A extended for next 2 years all with company A. hence I can stay in US till Feb 2014. I am looking for better prospects. Hence need advice on the following.

1. Is it possible to get GC from company B even though my L1 A is with company A? Do I have enough time to get my GC through?

2. Do I need to get H1B from company B before they apply GC for me?



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Generally, the PERM green card process is for a future position when the green card is approved. Therefore, if obtaining your green card through the PERM process it is not required to work for your green card sponsor until after the green card is received. However, possessing H1B status while engaged in the PERM process may grant you additional benefits and flexibility that is not available to an individual in L1A status. To discuss your specific circumstances it is advisable to speak directly with a qualified U.S. immigration attorney. The Murthy Law Firm has a very well-regarded Green Card Department with extensive experience who would be able to provide you with excellent assistance. Please feel free to call our office to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.

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