Letter from employer for H1->F1 transfer


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I'm trying to file for H1 to F1 transfer. USCIS requires that I provide a letter from empoyer verifying that I'm currently empoyed and maintaining H1 status. However, my company requires that I tell them the purpose while requesting an employement verirfication letter. I'd prefer that my company not know that I'm planning to quit and transfer to F1.

What can be used as an alternative proof of employment? Can I use just the slarary slip?

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Pay Stubs are obviously required for Change of status.

you may need employment verification letter for a lot of things say for example, signing a lease at a new apt, credit card application etc...

Employment verification letter would mention that you have been working wtih company X since date MM/DD/YYYY till date on a position of "ABCD" and your annual salary is $"X".

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