PERM experience requirement


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Hi, I am applying for my GC labour. And the ad requirement says MS+2 years. Can I safely use my internship experience of 2 months for the 2 yr experience requirement. And how strict is the 2 year requirement? My experience before joining my current employer who is doing my GC is few days(5 to 10 days) short of the exact 2 years experience. That's when I include my internship experience during masters. Would my labour case be fine or this may arise any issues later? Please advise.

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Generally, an internship that did not confer academic credit can be used towards the experience requirement. If the labor states that the proffered position requires 24 months of prior work experience, the beneficiary must have at least that amount of experience prior to the filing of the labor. If not, the green card case will likely be denied at the I-140 stage.

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