Changing to EB2 from EB3


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I filed GC in EB2 with Company A and my priority date is Feb 2011. I’m planning to join company B and will be filing GC again in EB2 category so that my priority date of EB3 will be carried to EB2.

Can someone of you please tell me what could be best possible scenarios if the dates of EB2 are moved before I get my I-140 approved in EB2? Will I lose the chance or I can apply immediately for EAD as my date became once I-140 is approved

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If Company A and you no longer intend to be employed in a fulltime, permanent position once your Green Card is approved, (and will actuallly do so) then you no longer have a Green Card case with Company A. Therefore, you will be relying on your Green Card application with Company B solely.

If you have further specific questions in regard to your case, I recommend that you contact a knowledgeable immigration attorney in regard to your case.

The Murthy Law Firm has a very well-regarded Greencard Department with extensive experience who would be able to provide you with excellent assistance. Please feel free to call our office to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.

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