EB1C : I 140 Petitioning Employer


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icon1.png EB1C : I 140 Petitioning Employer

Hello Murthy Associates ,

Thanks for a wonderful forum which is of great benefit to us all.

I have a basic question regarding EB1C : Multinational Manager I 140 petitioner. The USCIS regulation says that the petitioner must have been in business in the US for at least one year and provide goods and services to the US customers. If there are two subsideries in the US, both of the same parent, then can any of the subsidery be the petitioner? or does it have to be the one that has been providing goods and services to US customers and not the other which was not providing such services?

The USCIS regulation 8 CFR 204.5 (j)(2) does not clarify this position.

I am sorry if I am asking a very basic question. I will appreciate your response on this query.

Thanks and regards,


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