Help H1B Transfered


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My H1 transfered to an employer earlier four months. I am interested to join that employer now.

Let me know I can join the employer without transfering my H1 again or do I need to do fresh H1 transfer process?. Also let me know if I need to request for new offer letter paperwork.



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Generally, if an H1B change of employer petition was filed on your behalf, with an in-country extension of status, and it was approved, then your H1B change to that new employer as of the approved petition validity date. If you did not actually work for that employer, then you have been in violation of your status since your H1B status may have changed from your original employer to your "transfer" employer. I recommend that you contact a knowledgeable immigration attorney in regard to your case so that you can obtain full, case specific advice.

The Murthy Law Firm has a very well-regarded H1B Nonimmigrant Department with extensive experience who would be able to provide you with excellent assistance. Please feel free to call our office to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.

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