PERM filed after a day of PWD expiry


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My PERM was filed just after a day of my PWD expiry. My pwd expired on July 20,2011 and PERM was filed on July 21,2011. It was straight denial from DOL. My lawyer filed an appeal saying it's a Government Error since no PWD was available on July 21,2011. My lawyer's idea was to apply for another PWD then file the PERM within its validity. Since court ordered no PWD in July they went ahead and took the risk of filing labor. Their concern was all the recruitment efforts will be in vain if they don't file by then.

It's been 50 days since we filed an appeal in Government Error queue. Initially my PERM status was in denial. Now it's changed to "In Process". I know I have 90 before giving this up. Is there any possibility of this getting approved?? If they have do deny, will they deny it immediately. So that I can process for next PERM application. If they move my appeal from Government error queue to Balca or general queue, will there be an intimation to lawyer or employer??

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